# Relation Max G-test Sample Functional Evidence
163is a native of (artwork)312.05(dr. kathy lewis->nashville), (jim->dallas), (moore->chicago)
193is the fact that (artwork)283.19(www->the park), (britain->america), (one point->the bridge)
209is the author of (artwork)271.71(curren->buddha), (herman melville->moby dick), (thomas b. allen->george washington)
298is the new (artwork)209.17(brooklyn->lower east side), (holmes->audrey hepburn), (canada->america)
307is the way (artwork)206.05(will.this->the dance), (orientalism->the west), (the second important thing->the lamp)
500is the home of (artwork)143.96(springfield->abraham lincoln), (oahu->honolulu), (granada->the alhambra)
589is the gateway to (artwork)125.6(callender->the highlands), (santa barbara->southern california), (piraeus->athens)
618is the heart of (artwork)119.63(manhattan->new york city), (steam-jacket->the kitchen), (acropolis->athens)
674was the son of (artwork)111.14(arphaxad->shem), (midian->abraham), (istrati->the laundress)
703is the place where (artwork)106.69(sarnath->the buddha), (mt sinai->moses), (greece->antigone)
778is the story of (artwork)97.37(hamtaro->laura), (purim->esther), (gypo->helen)
816is the name of (artwork)92.57(yaqui->a river), (mimir->the dwarf), (rosa passadena->a rose)
840is the son of (artwork)90.87(typhon->gaea), (deucalion->prometheus), (justin->craig)
846is the only place in (artwork)90.02(cincinnati->america), (uprise->chicago), (compton->the west)
848is a freelance writer based in (artwork)88.72(bonnie schwartz->brooklyn), (preston gralla->cambridge), (joanna kakissis->athens)
868is the key to (artwork)85.95(nasa->america), (which->the horse), (the phrase of oneness->the garden of paradise)
882is the only (artwork)85.7(oocl->hong kong), (bidclerk->search engine), (the eastern part of the city of kolkata->chinatown)
905is the best place in (artwork)82.32(ohio->america), (supergo->southern california), (alameda->the bay)
990is the first (artwork)74.86(easter->sunday), (rhimax->automat), (ching->hong kong)
1031was the first (artwork)72.77(sunday->sunday), (urenda abogados->santa cruz), (anita->young woman)
1057is the best (artwork)71.72(google->search engine), (dis game->luv), (a publicity stunt->pr)
1100was the fact that (artwork)68.48(other researchers->david), (i found very disappointing->the compass), (the biggest problem->the park)
1355has a long history in (artwork)53.29(gilbert->detroit), (the ten-dollar note->hong kong), (coal->the hunter)
1591is the only one in (artwork)44.8(lillian->the family), (the inverness school->the highlands), (this farmers market->the city)
1693is the daughter of (artwork)41.59(webster->craig), (cate->jacqueline), (lebanon->the sea)
1901is the name given to (artwork)38.54(uluru->the rock), (waikato->a river), (bricktown->the city)
2053have an effect on (artwork)33.27(that->the eye), (even partial loss of that employment will->the city), (the organisation of the book to->the reader)
2384have the opportunity to visit (artwork)28.54(shaw->brian), (they will all->new york city), (guests will->the farm)
2571has an office in (artwork)25.84(london and->chicago), (cleveland and->dallas), (local irish elections and->belfast)
2755was the way (artwork)22.89(seattle->san francisco), (the only difference->the wood), (the conflict->the family)
3344has the advantage that (artwork)17.01(such an embodiment->the connection), (the latter case->the lamp), (the plating process of the second form->the bath)
3350was the first time (artwork)16.64(thursday->the city), (miami->the duo), (tuesday->the family)
3351is the reason why (artwork)16.64(iran->america), (bridget->the wedding), (charley->brian)
4097is the reason (artwork)13.51(michael->brian), (the other hand ,->detroit), (him->the city)
4102was a lot like (artwork)13.32(jesus->buddha), (philadelphia->athens), (he->the city)
5034was a gift from (artwork)8.72(the ribbon->ellen), (herself->the sea), (2,500 years old and->buddha)
5326are an integral part of (artwork)7.97(the appointments->the family), (the afternoon and evening poster sessions->the meeting), (a dramatic backdrop and->the city)
5340have the opportunity to see (artwork)7.48(we would->the rock), (we 'll->the city), (ss would not->the family)
5395are the ones in (artwork)6.51(conservatives->america), (clear channel->hot water), (that count->the swing)
5447has a lot to do with (artwork)5.55(cuba->america)
5448is the day (artwork)5.55(wesak->the buddha), (memorial day->a family), (thanksgiving->the city)
5449is the time when (artwork)5.55(giao thua->a family), (the honeymoon->the couple)
6835was the day (artwork)5.37(sunday->the family), (dixon->the couple), (this day->the buddha)
6840have a chance to see (artwork)5.29(i am so excited to actually->the city), (ll also->the park), (fans will->the family)
6920is the best time to visit (artwork)4.29(may-october->the park), (may-june->yosemite), (december->hong kong)
6961is the same (artwork)3.43(america of 2005->america), (t 'internet->around the world), (the building->hot water)
7009has an opening in (artwork)2.74(inc.->san francisco), (the fastener->the end), (the leading provider of insurance premium audits->baltimore)
7097have an impact on (artwork)1.62(that may->the city), (something might->the bridge)
7262is a great time to visit (artwork)0.73(october->the park), (february->provincetown)
7286has a place in (artwork)0.61(pomp->the city)
7373have a good time in (artwork)0.28(you will need to->the sea), (come->new orleans), (a fella could->dallas)
7375was a trip to (artwork)0.26(the highlight of that season->detroit), (the contest prize->venice)
7439have a problem with (artwork)0.11(the author does n't->america), (so no one should->the breakfast), (jesus did n't->the crucifixion)
7516is the first time (artwork)0(this step->the wood), (the road and->dallas), (this issue->ii)
7517was a time when (artwork)0(fact there->elaine), (this->brooklyn)
7518have a great time in (artwork)0(you are looking to->london), (a bit , and->america)
7519is the leader in (artwork)0
7520was the only one in (artwork)0(gene->the family), (the bridge->the city), (the drink->the glass)
7521is the second time (artwork)0(the death->the family)
7522have a look at (artwork)0
7523have an interest in (artwork)0
7524have a friend in (artwork)0(a us citizen ,and->london)
7525have a feeling (artwork)0(we->sunday), (some people do->the end)
7526have a friend who lives in (artwork)0
7527have a chance to visit (artwork)0(consumers usually->the farm), (i might->london)